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8 Secrets to Lasting Habit Change Report

8 Secrets to Lasting Habit Change Report

    1    MOTIVATION: To augment your success, it is essential that you really WANT to change!  The importance of this cannot be overstressed:  You are choosing to make a change in your life — this will require work and energy on your part — it is important that you end up with something that truly holds value to you.
    2    OLD HABIT: Be willing to let go of what you have considered benefits of the old habit.  Write down all of the benefits you have imagined the old habit bring to you.  NOW … for each of these imagined benefits, write down at least one other — healthy, constructive, positive — manner to create each benefit.  Be creative on this:  whatever you have been telling yourself you’ve needed that old habit  for is a need that is legitimate for you. Find a beneficial way to create this benefit.  Also write this down.
    3    BENEFITS OF NEW HABIT: Now, write down all the BENEFITS you can think of that you will derive from the New Habit.  Be specific … be detailed in this.  The purpose of writing down ideas is that it strengths and cements the concepts more firmly in your mind.  Read and re-read these whenever you feel your motivation (#1) starting to lag … for a speedy pick-me-up!
    4    USE YOUR IMAGINATION: Imagine yourself 3 months (90 days) in the future … imagine that, at this time, you have successfully made a HABIT of your New Behavior (the behavior you have targeted to change).  Notice any/all blocks that you have had to overcome to reach this level of success.
    5    RELEASE: and LET GO: Let go of each of the blocks you identified in #4 (above).  To do this, bring to mind each obstacle, individually, and imagine each one — like a vapor or a mist — being blown away by the wind.  Watch, in your mind, as it disappears totally … before doing the same with the next block.
    6    PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE: Diligence and consistency are the keynotes for this step.  For the next 90 days, repeatedly practice the New Behavior.  Performing the New Behavior will probably seem strange to you at first; this is normal … after all, you are doing something new and doing something new usually feels very strange, at first.  Then it will begin to become easier.  Finally, it will seem totally natural to you.
    7    IF YOU “SLIP“: You might find that you get distracted throughout the day and don’t remember to behave according to the New Habit (in other words, without thinking, you “forget” and fall back on the old habit).  If this happens, the very moment you realize it — and stay alert to the possibility of such forgetting — stop the old behavior, even mid-act, and immediately begin the New Behavior.  It is not a problem that you forget; the important thing is that you notice these “slips” sooner and sooner … and change to the New Behavior immediately thereafter.
    8    POSITIVE THINKING: Be diligent about keeping your mind on a successful outcome.  Compliment your endeavor frequently; remind yourself, “I’m proud of you, (your name), you’re doing a GOOD JOB!  Also, frequently — many times each day during your 90 day habit-change period — repeat to yourself, with conviction and certainty: 

I  CAN  DO  IT!! … and YOU CAN …  and YOU ARE!

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Guided Meditation Audio Recordings

In our increasingly frenetic world, taking time out to practice meditation can provide you with an oasis of calm that sustains the rest of your day.  Enlightened employers even provide space for employees to do just that in some cases as they realize that they will benefit from the increased productivity that is often a direct result.  When your mind is allowed to simply let go and be, it often becomes far more creative and better at problem-solving. 

People have been turning to meditation to find the inner security and sense of peace that is so often missing from modern life.  Are you seeking inner nurturing to sustain you through a life that is far more complex than ever before?  If so, meditation may just be your answer!  Meditation can provide not only far-reaching individual benefits for you, but it can also create deep, profound benefits for society, as a whole.

This ancient art is deservedly experiencing a revival.  This is intensified by understanding that, in its simplicity, there lies the answer to so many modern ailments.  Meditation is here to stay and can only increase in popularity as more and more people discover its benefits. 

I encourage you to jump on the meditation wagon.  Here are some simple, powerful resources to get you started … TODAY! 

Here’s all you need to do:

  1. Make Your Desired Selection
  2. Sit Comfortably
  3. Breathe: Use a rhythmic pace — deep, slow enhalation … then deep, slow inhalation …
  4. Open Your Mind as the Sound Enters in and Fills Your Awareness …
  5. Let Go …
  6. Relax and Enjoy!

Here is a moving melody … to use with your Beginning Meditation.  It’s called “April Colors”:

Build your Self-Confidence with this Subliminal Meditation:

End Procrastination for Good with this Begin Now!

Would you like more guidance through your Meditation?

If so, here are some additional Meditation audios … that walk you through the experience in a deep, personal way:


6 Goals for Weight Loss Success

Is weight loss important to you? If so, now is a GREAT time to get started! If you have desire to lose weight, doing so now is a natural step to take!

But let’s say that you have tried before with this goal and either not succeeded, or succeeded beautifully, but then gained weight back again. For many with weight-loss goals, it has seemed to be a venture of frustration and disappointment. Has this been your experience?

If so, it is time for a new outlook — a new approach. Here are 6 practical, effective steps for weight loss success:

1 – Be Positive:
Pay attention to your thoughts. Notice the types of messages that you are giving to yourself about you being a success — both as a person and in regard to weight loss. Notice specifically if you are being negative about this: Think — self-fulfilling prophecy. Respond to any negativity by re-wording the thought into a positive, success-generating affirmation: “I am a powerful, productive person!” “I enjoy success attaining my goals!” “I persevere with my resolution and lose the weight that I desire!”

2 – Be Realistic:
If your goal is to lose 50#, start with the awareness that you do not lose 50# all at once. In essence, you lose 1#, 50 times. So, start with that first pound. Give yourself realistic sub-goals. For example, you might choose the goal of 1# per week. Look where you will be by the end of this year!

3 – Know Yourself:
Are you someone who does better exercising with others? Then, by all means, do NOT assign yourself exercise by yourself on treadmill at home. Yes, it might be cheaper (if you already have the treadmill — you know, the one with all the clothes hanging from it in the family room?). Go to the gym — be around others — have a social outlet and exercise. Better yet, get an exercise buddy and meet each other at a specified time!

4 – Incorporate What You Know about Yourself:
If you feel pressured by others bringing up your efforts at weight loss, don’t announce your intentions to lose weight to the office. Keep it to yourself … and let them notice — and comment — on the results.

5 – Reward Your Success:
Be generous and kind to you. Choose non-food rewards and recognize you for your courage and your perseverance. Others may have NO idea what you have been going through … but YOU know! You are the person in the position to look out for you … to be kind to you … to recognize you as a success!

6 – Persevere:
Losing weight is a huge, important step toward better health. Being successful losing weight takes courage, motivation, diligence and persistence. Make your affirming cry: I Can Do It!

I urge you to use these six weight-loss ideas over and over to create success with your resolve to lose weight.  And I encourage you to learn more about creating effective weight loss success with our Weight Loss Hypnosis-Workbook Program.  To learn more, click here!

5 Steps to Abundance

Life Coaching to Change Your Life

Hold on tight to your dream … When you see the shadows falling … When you hear that cold wind calling … Hold on tight to your dream.

These lyrics from the hit by E.L.O. (the Electric Light Orchestra) aptly summarize a basic – winning – strategy of life coaching. If you desire to experience happiness in your life – if you want to feel truly ALIVE each and every day – Life-Coaching can help you create your own personal, unique life map. A life map is a set of directions for how to reach a specific destination in your life.

The easiest way to create your life map is to seek the guidance of a Life Coach. The Life Coach helps you to set up specific steps to change and will support you in undertaking those steps.

Specifically, your Life Coach can help you get your quest underway by:
Step #1. Identifying your dream – i.e., that about which you are passionate. Your passion – your heart’s desire – is what Joseph Campbell referred to as the concept “follow your bliss”
Step #2. Setting up objectives toward creating your dream;
Step #3. Prioritizing these objectives;
Step #4. Getting started on what you selected as Priority #1.

In addition, your Life Coach will diligently guide you through the “shadows falling” and the “cold wind calling” – those tough times when you can be tempted to back away from your goals. It is specifically at these challenging times that it is MOST important to continue to persevere.

I encourage you to use the assistance of your Life Coach to repeat these steps over and over to attain your dream – to live your life passionately. You – as each of us – have been given this present moment in time. Using it to its fullness honors the depth of the gift … and serves to enhance your personal sphere in powerful ways.

And I urge you to learn more about how to re-balance your life by visiting our blog at Join our list by entering your name and email address, or click on “RSS” to add yourself to our the RSS-feed – you will be informed right away about new additions and information that can benefit your life! Get Practical Ideas & Tips that You can Use to CHANGE your Life … for Good!

Simple Decision Making Steps

Be Mindful to Enhance Your Quality of Life

Enhance your quality of life — it is a MOST worthy endeavor. Have you ever wondered how to go about doing so?

Wonder no more! Here are 3 tips for success in enhancing your life quality:

1. Live consciously each day. Stay connected with yourself daily. Be mindful. Remain aware. Enhance YOUR Life Quality.

Ponder how you relate to your family members. Think about how you fulfill your role at work. Consider what you eat and drink, what you say and do each day. Live life with a purpose! Strive to identify what that purpose — the life purpose that is unique to you — might be.

2. Put all your effort into what you do during the day. If you’re going to engage in a task, focus on it, think about it and complete it. Make an effort. Put your heart and soul into it. Also, strive for improvement in whatever you do.

3. Know what makes your heart sing. Be connected with your own feelings, wants and needs. What makes you feel truly happy? No matter what it is — listening to music, spending time with your kids or talking on the phone with a friend — make room for those things that fill your heart with joy.

Emotional Eating … Does It Plague You?

Emotional eating is the act of eating not for energy or in response to feelings of hunger, but as a response to emotional feelings. The foods of choice for emotional eating tend to be junk foods or traditional “comfort foods”.

Feelings that are often responded to with emotional eating include the following:

1) Depression: Often, anger that is held inside is experienced as feeling down and depressed. Often, this goes along with the thought, “What’s the use? Who cares?” In an attempt to feel better, the person does NOT address and release the anger, rather s/he uses food as a temporary way to feel better.

2) Anger: Often, when angry at oneself or at someone else, one tends to “stuff” the anger. Rather than assertively addressing the situation and getting it handled, one uses food instead.

3) Boredom: One thinks that there is nothing worthwhile to do and nowhere interesting to go. To fill in the void, the person fills his/her time and consciousness with acts of eating.

4) Lack of Appreciation: Food can be the outlet to the disappointed feelings that result from the experience that no one notices when one excels. The tendency is to “treat” oneself with food in an effort at congratulations, even when one is not hungry.

5) Lack of Control: This feeling is the result of thinking, “Everything in my life is out of control. I feel overwhelmed! The only thing I CAN control is what and when I eat!”

If you are looking for ongoing support to get your weight under control, we can help!  We have e-classes going on RIGHT NOW to help you.  Check out our healthy weight loss program today!

Or, if you prefer a self-guided approach, we can help!  Hypnosis is a technique to get your subconscious mind working WITH YOU to successfully accomplish your goals.  We provide audio-hypnosis plus a complete workbook designed to support your weight-loss success.  Hypnosis for weight loss can end your weight struggles FOR GOOD!!

8 Secrets to Lasting Habit Change Report

5 Steps to Abundance

Abundance … does it seem like it’s far, far away? Have you become panicked at all of the Gloom and Doom on the news wires lately? Do you want to keep your attitude positive … and yet find yourself slipping into negative thinking? … and not know how to extricate yourself?

What can you do …

… to focus your life in directions that serve you?

… to surround yourself with confidence and a sense of safety?

… to move your own experience to one of kindness and manifestation?

You can start NOW and take control of your own experience! You can stop listening to predictions of perdition and begin to create your own prosperity. And you can do so Right Now!

You already have the mechanism for doing this. It rests in the capability and creative power of your subconscious mind. The power of the subconscious mind creates what you are thinking. This is called “self-fulfilling prophecy”. Every moment of every day, your subconscious mind creates according to the thoughts you hold in mind.

If you believe that everything is doomed, it is. Not because — objectively — it has to be … but, once you’ve verbalized to yourself with intention, “Everything is doomed”, it has to be because you believe it so! AND you get to be right .. every time! That is the nature of your subconscious-mind creation.

Conversely, if you believe that there is abundance in the Universe … and if you believe that you share in this abundance, you do. Not because it has to be … but it has to be because you believe it so! AND you get to be right … every time! That IS the nature of our subconscious-mind creation.

Here’s what to do … Follow these 5 Steps to Abundance:

STEP #1: Experiment over and over with your thoughts.

STEP #2: Challenge your subconscious mind to create the MOST positive ideas you can imagine!

STEP #3: Let your imagination run wild!

STEP #4: Put those ideas into thought and command your subconscious mind to bring them into your life … starting this very minute!

STEP #5: Keep watch — notice the bounty that comes your way!

I invite you to use these steps over and over to create prosperity and abundance in your life.

And I encourage you to learn more about how to re-balance your life by visiting our blog at Join our list by entering your name and email address, or click on “RSS” to add yourself to our the RSS-feed — you will be informed right away about new additions and information that can benefit your life! Get Practical Ideas & Tips that You can Use to CHANGE your Life … for Good!

Keys to a Good Night’s Sleep

Refreshing sleep significantly affects the quality of your thinking, perceiving and experiencing. Research studies have repeatedly supported the far-reaching effects of solid, restful sleep.

Enjoying a good night’s sleep requires you to have — and use — the ability to direct your mind to work for you! After all, it is your mind. If you have not already been doing so, it is now time to treat this mind as yours!

The following steps are designed to help you create a good night’s sleep as your habit:

Step #1. If You Need to Spend Time Thinking, Do So … before going to your bedroom. Make a focused time for thinking a part of your pre-bedtime routine.

Step #2. Leave Any/All Cares in the Kitchen Freezer. Use your imagination for this one. Imagine that you take all cares, problems, worries, and concerns and deposit them for the night in the freezer. Then, firmly close the door … and leave them there.

Step #3. Establish a Bedtime Routine. Select the same time of night and the same relaxing tasks — e.g., take a hot bath, read a restful book, meditate. Make this bedtime routine a habit — each and every night, engage in relaxing in these routine ways.

Step #4. Turn Your Mind to Restful Thoughts. Fill your mind with the most-relaxing ideas, thoughts and memories that you can think of.

Step #5. Relax and Lie Down and Relax some More. Start with your feet and progressively relax every muscle of your body up to your head.

Step #6. Begin to Breathe Deeply and Slowly. As you do so, relax even more — from the inside, out.

Step #7. Imagine Yourself in a Relaxed, Repetitive Setting. Once you have yourself in a place of relaxation — e.g., on the beach, listening to the waves — count down slowly from 50.

I invite you to use these ideas over and over to create a good night’s sleep for yourself … night after night after night!

And I encourage you to learn more about how to re-balance your life by visiting our blog at or Click Here. Join our list by entering your name and email address, or click on “RSS” to add yourself to our the RSS-feed — you will be informed right away about new additions and information that can benefit your life! Get Practical Ideas & Tips that You can Use to CHANGE your Life … for Good!

Life Coaching to Change Your Life

Simple Decision Making Steps

Decision-making is a powerful approach to eliminate procrastination and wheel-spinning. Making an informed decision to do SOMETHING – and, then, moving yourself to perform that action – can set into motion the successful accomplishment of a desired goal.

For the most effective outcome to your decisions, it is important to create an approach for simple decisions. When doing so, also be aware that the approach you use to make simple decisions can differ from your approach to complex decisions.

Examples of simple decisions include: Should I go to a movie or work overtime today? Would it be wiser for me to purchase a $10 item that will last 3 times longer, or to choose a $5.99-version? When you are faced by a simple decision, you can use these 6 steps to create a successful outcome:

Step #1: Use a brief time to decide what to do. By not taking too much time, you streamline the decision and don’t get bogged down with non-essentials.
Step #2: Briefly write out your options. Taking the time to briefly make notes helps you to focus on the decision.
Step #3: Ask yourself what you want to do. This puts you – and your emotions – into the decision-making process.
Step #4: If you do not care, what option(s) do you NOT want to choose? Eliminate this (these).
Step #5: If you do not care, is there someone who does care? Ask him/her.
Step #6: If #1 – #4 have not lead you to the decision to choose, select option #3.

I urge you to use these steps over and over to move yourself along in the process of decision making.

And I encourage you to learn more about how to re-balance your life by visiting our blog at or Click Here. Join our list by entering your name and email address, or click on “RSS” to add yourself to our the RSS-feed — you will be informed right away about new additions and information that can benefit your life! Get Practical Ideas & Tips that You can Use to CHANGE your Life … for Good!

Complex Decision Making Steps

Complex Decision Making Steps

Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on your values/preferences as the decision maker. Making a decision implies that there are alternative choices to be considered – including that which best fits your goals, desires, lifestyle and values.

Doing SOMETHING – and, then, moving yourself to perform that action – can propel you in the direction of a desired goal. When you are faced with a complex decision, it is important to be aware of using an approach which fits the complexity of the decision.

Examples of complex decisions include: How would I best organize my investments to finance a land purchase? Should you take a vacation – for how long and to where? To solve these complex decisions, use these 7 Steps to SUCCESS with Complex Decision:

Step #1: List each optional decision; include the Pros and Cons for each.

Step #2: Carefully examine the list: Analyze it – what does it suggest? – Is the decision obvious? If so, select the obvious.

Step #3: Which list – the Pros or the Cons – is stronger. Why?

Step #4: Proceed to act on the stronger list.

Step #5: How do you feel? Are you content with this selection?

Step #6: If so, proceed with the stronger. If not, reconsider which list is stronger.

Step #7: Proceed to act on the stronger list.

Decisions are not made in isolation from each other – you gather information, explore alternatives and make a resultant choice … in a context of other decisions. Every decision you make affects the decision stream – i.e., decisions are made in a context of other decisions.

There is a stream of decisions surrounding a given decision. Many decisions that were made earlier have led up to the current decision; they have made it possible – they have added limitations to it. In addition, many other decisions will follow from this decision creating far-reaching consequences.

I invite you to use these steps over and over to assist you when in the process of making complex decisions.

And I encourage you to learn more about how to re-balance your life by visiting our blog at or Click Here. Join our list by entering your name and email address, or click on “RSS” to add yourself to our the RSS-feed — you will be informed right away about new additions and information that can benefit your life! Get Practical Ideas & Tips that You can Use to CHANGE your Life … for Good!

Make Your Dreams Come True!

Affirmations for Success

Affirmations are positive statements with a goal-oriented focus. They are statements that you repeat so often that the ideas are able to penetrate your subconscious mind.

The following 5 tips are designed to help you to formulate your affirmations and goals most beneficially. Doing so allows you to increase the probability of activating them quickly in your life:

TIP #1 — State the Idea Positively:

Your subconscious mind will create whatever you are thinking. Fashioning your thought positively allows the creative power of your subconscious mind to have a direct line-of-sight to your desired outcome. So, if you want is to be more self-confident, you might word your affirmation as, “I am confident and self-assured in my words and actions!”

TIP #2 — Word the Statement in Terms of Yourself:

Rather than referring to yourself in the second person, “you”, which keeps the idea more impersonal, you would use the first person, singular, to word your suggestions — “I” or “my” or “me” — thus, personalizing your affirmative statement.

TIP #3 — State in Short, Simple Phrases:

Your subconscious mind can more easily create simple directives. Hence, by wording your affirmations as simple statements, you are helping your subconscious mind to more-easily affect its creation.

TIP #4 — Use the Present Tense:

Wording your statement in the here and now creates an immediacy in your command to your subconscious mind. Hence, by using the present tense, you support your subconscious mind in initiating its creation at the soonest possible time.

TIP #5 — Focus on the Outcome You Wish to Create:

When you concentrate on the goal you desire to have in your life, you give your subconscious mind clear direction of your desired outcome. When you focus on what you want to overcome, you indirectly suggest that outcome as being what you want to have in your life. This is counterproductive. For example, if you want to feel safe and secure, you might affirm, “I am secure and safe being alive in the world!” rather than affirming, “I am not fearful and anxious!” While the latter may have an a positive intent, even though it says “not”, it actually suggests to your subconscious mind that it make you “fearful and anxious”.

As a counter example of this, have you ever spent any time not thinking about elephants? Go ahead — take 15″ and focus on not thinking of elephants. … What happened?

Do you see how, even though I suggested that you NOT think about elephants, I actually — by the very mention of “elephants” — brought the idea of elephants to your mind? That’s the power of suggestion. If you suggest NOT thinking about something to yourself, you, too, will actually be introducing the idea that you should think about that very thing! I encourage you to experiment to clarify this concept for yourself.

I invite you to use these tips over and over to create and use affirmations to direct your subconscious mind to create goal success!  And I encourage you to learn more about how to use Affirmations to create successful effects in your life.  You can access our Automatic Affirmation System (AAS), a practical way to use affirmations frequently and effectively in your everyday life.

The Power of Your Mind

8 Keys to Effective Stress Management

The following are Eight Keys to Manage Stress in your life.  Using these keys in your life will unlock your inner doors to more peace, relaxation, and longevity for you–

1.  LEARN TO RELAX:   While this may sound almost too simple forbelief, go ahead and give it careful practice.  Relaxation benefits not only your physical condition, but your mental and emotional states as well.  Experiment to discover the ways of relaxation that work best for you.

2.  BREATHE DEEPLY & RHYTHMICALLY:  Breathing … now how tough is that?  You may find it surprising that many people do not breathe in a relaxing, stress-reducing way.  Stress-reduction breathing is deep and regular, with the inhale and exhale approximately the same length.  Often people breathe shallowly, or unevenly, or they hold their breath.  If you start to pay attention to others’ breathing patterns, you can easily see this.  If you start to pay attention to YOUR OWN breathing patterns, you can easily become aware of this, too.  Breath draws in vital oxygen, which is required by each cell to stay strong and healthy.  It strengthens your physical, mental and emotion energy.  It allows you to “let go” of tension and pressure.  Your breathing is a physiological function that is with you each and every moment … and breathing deeply, in an unstressed fashion, costs you nothing — it is free!

3.  FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE:  When a situation occurs, concentrate on all of the positive interpretations you can make for that situation.  Consider all of the positive outcomes that could occur.  Let your imagination get wild!  For any situation that occurs, there are a magnitude of ways you can think.  By purposefully selecting a positive way, you automatically relax and feel more optimistic within.  If you find this hard to do, you need to practice doing it much, much more.

4.  TAKE CARE NOT TO OVERREACT:  Chronic overreaction to not only life’s emergencies, but also life’s everyday situationstake a toll on your physiological system — on your heart, your arteries, your whole body.  Overreaction utilizes resources that you could highly benefit from using in other ways.  One way of putting life’s situations into perspective is to ask yourself, “How much is this going to matter in a year?”  For most things, you could easily amend this to “How much is this going to matter in a week?”  The things that seemed so upsetting often are forgotten in a brief time … to be replaced by something equally upsetting that will be forgotten in a brief time … to be replaced, etc.

5.  LEARN TO SAY, “NO”:  This is a safeguard against trying to do more than is realistically — and healthfully — possible.  It is also a safeguard against doing more than is realistically possible because others request or demand it of you.  You are the one in charge of your own well-being.  If you do not take care of you, no one else will.  You — and you alone — are the one that has been given the responsibility of safeguarding YOU.  You will do yourself grave disservice to ignore being accountable for being good to you.

6.  PRACTICE SAYING, “NO” AND FEELING GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF AND THIS CHOICE:  Sometimes people think that it is selfish to care for themselves.  Do you think that this is so?  Were you taught as a child to be giving and selfless.  These are admirable traits, traits that this world needs more of.  However, to do for others at the detriment of your own health — mental and physical — will never make the world a better place.  When you do things because others pressure you to do them, it is a good way to build resentment.  Resentment kills relationships faster than anything else that I know of.  Helping others only when you have the energy and reserve to do so will preserve the relationship with these others, as well as be a life-saver to you.

7.  SET REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS:  Stresses that derive from guilt and perfectionism are stresses that we each place on ourselves.  They arise from unrealistic expectations.  A good question to use with yourself in this regard is, “Am I taking on more than I can reasonably handle?”  Then, if the answer is “yes,” you might further question yourself regarding why you are doing this.  If your reason is you pressure yourself to do things perfectly, examine this habit.  A more realistic prospect is to aim for excellence, to aim for doing a good job.  As humans, we are incapable of perfection.  To pressure yourself to reach this takes a toll on your mental and physical health.  When you accept excellence in doing a good job, you getthe best of both worlds — an excellent accomplishment PLUS increased good health.

8.  CREATE GOOD FRIENDSHIPS:  Having close relationships with persons you can confide in, reduces stress and increases emotional satisfaction.  Having social support from other human beings whom you can count on in times of uncertainty allow you to live in a more relaxed, confident fashion.

No matter what might arise, when you have friends, you can rest assured of having whatever assistance you might need.  And, reciprocally, you have the emotional peace of mind of knowing that the help you are able to give is appreciated.

One final word about building the skills to deal successfully with stress:  It takes practice.  Just as with building proficiency with any other skill, stress-management skills get easier and more effective with repetition.  Using this principle, you can see why it is so essential to practice, Practice, PRACTICE!

Retirement Coaching

How to Change Negative Thoughts

Here are some of the characteristics of your Subconscious Mind:

A) your subconscious mind functions by its very nature to create what it is told, and

B) your subconscious mind does not care what it creates — it just creates what you have commanded through your thoughts.

This being the case, do you want to waste energy on it creating in directions counterproductive to your goals? Of course you DON’T! So, you might be asking, “What can I do?” …


You can begin to be aware of the thoughts in your mind. Now, that might sound weird to you! You might be saying to yourself, “Hey, they’re my thoughts. I KNOW what I am thinking!” Do you?


If you are like most people, many of your thoughts pop into your mind, unbidden. Many of your thoughts are reflections of things that others have said to you about you. Many of your thoughts are based on past — possibly no-longer-relevant — habit! The problem with this is that those unbidden habits might be directing your subconscious mind in OTHER directions than you want in your life!

Here’s how to find out …


Begin to notice your thoughts. As you become more and more aware of what you are thinking, start to record the negative thoughts — especially those that you notice coming to mind with some frequency … and even-more ESPECIALLY those that deplete your self-esteem and self-worth or increase your feelings of inferiority and depression.

That’s right — you don’t have to judge them: Just begin to notice and write them down. Recording habitual negative thoughts becomes the basis to understand what YOU HAVE BEEN telling your subconscious mind to create. This is IMPORTANT!

It is important because it helps you to appreciate HOW INCREDIBLY WELL your subconscious mind has already been bringing things into being … just the way you said they were to be!


Once you can appreciate the amazing creative power of your subconscious mind in this way, it is a much easier task to start directing that creation … in ways that serve your goals. Then, you are in the enviable position of enjoying MORE of what you’ve always wanted your life to be! Only you can limit the incredible positive outcomes you can create when you give positive thoughts to your subconscious mind!

I invite you to use these steps over and over to practice directing your subconscious mind to attract success.  And now I encourage you to learn more about how to use Affirmations to create successful effects in your life.  I invite you to browse our website and explore all of the products and services that we offer!

Manifest Positive Thought

Make Your Dreams Come True!

How do you make your Dreams come true? What plan have you found that works for you?

If there is something that you would like to see happen in your life — something that you dream about experiencing — there IS a way to make it occur! The easiest, most successful path to achieve it is by carefully setting goals.

Having goals is similar to having a map to a destination … with directions carefully printed out to guide your way! A “mapquest” to your desired outcome. It allows you to know where you are going and what you need to do to get there successfully.

Rather than giving yourself vague promises about getting what you want, knowing what your goals are gives you a clear picture of the outcome. This clear picture, in turn, provides you with the confidence to go after what you want. As a result, you achieve more and become more!

Goal Setting — Both an Art and a Science:

a) An art: Utilizing your abilities to be both innovative and creative, goals allow you to use your own ways — ways to fit specifically for you — to create the pathway to achieve the very outcomes you desire. After all, it is your life you are going to change. They are your dreams waiting to happen. Goal Setting reinforces your unique abilities to accomplish those outcomes about which you have been dreaming.

b) A science: In the process of accomplishing your desired outcomes, goal setting requires that you use a method and approach that is practical and achievable. In other words, setting a goal is more than just telling yourself, ‘I want to run a marathon’ or ‘I want to learn the guitar’ or ‘I want to put up my own business’. To accomplish goals effectively, you also utilize certain steps that lead to the goals being accomplished.

For example, instead of just saying, ‘I want to run a marathon’, the science of goal setting demands more. It also requires that you add, ‘I will train for six months beginning next week using this specific training protocol; I will change my diet in these specific ways; and then, next spring, I will enter and complete my first marathon.’

I invite you use these ideas over and over to set into motion the goals that will make Your Dreams come true!  And I invite you explore our website to learn more about how to use Powerful Affirmations to successfully achieve your goals.

Affirmations for Success

Manifest Positive Thought

Here are the Steps to take to Get Benefit from those Negative Thoughts:

Now, let’s look at what you can do with the thoughts you have recorded. Let’s allow these negative habitual thoughts to benefit you! Let’s allow them to serve as guides for you into the paths for having MORE of what you want in your life.


1. Select the first of the negative habit thoughts that you have recorded.

2. Reword it into a positive idea.

3. Holding in mind that your subconscious mind has incredible power to create what you are thinking/saying to yourself, state that positive idea firmly, with conviction!

4. Continue to repeat this statement until it begins to “feel” more true about you.

This positive statement is called an affirmation. When you use affirmations to direct your subconscious mind to create these positive ideas ABOUT YOU … you allow positives outcomes to begin manifesting in your life.


Let’s say that you noticed that you had been telling yourself, “I will never succeed. Other people can do it — but I mess up whatever I try.”

Can you see what you had been directing yourself to create with this idea? Can you see its results in your life? OF COURSE, you can!

OK, let’s re-word the thought. Let’s take the idea contained in the thought and use it in a positive way. This might become, “I am persistent and diligent and succeed at that which I undertake. I don’t stop until I do! I am a success!!”


Now you repeat and repeat and repeat this idea … with the understanding that your subconscious mind — by its very nature — creates what you are thinking/saying. You continue to do so until you begin to feel a “fit” with these ideas.


Now it is your turn … Take another of the habitual negative thoughts that you have recorded. Now, re-word this thought into a positive idea. Then proceed to the repetition step with this second thought. Only you can limit the incredible positive outcomes you create when you give positive thoughts to your subconscious mind!

I invite you to continue following these steps over and over in this fashion until you’ve completed your list. As you do, continue to notice your feelings, your experience, and your successful affirmations.

And now I invite you to learn more about how to use Affirmations to create successful effects in your life.

Emotional Eating ... Does It Plague You?

Positive vs. Negative Messages

Now, let’s look at what this means … and why it matters so much to the success of your goals and affirmations


If you have told yourself (and your subconscious mind, which is just sitting there, listening in) something POSITIVE, you are directing it to create in that fashion. Thus programmed, your subconscious mind can create a VERY GOOD, self-confident, self-esteeming event. Thus directly, your subconscious mind — by its very nature and function — proceeds to create a positive outcome in your life! This event can, in turn, begin to help you build your sense of positive self-esteem.


On the other hand, if you have told yourself some NEGATIVE thought — something you don’t even WANT to experience … guess what? You are correct: Your subconscious mind, thus programmed, proceeds to activate the negative thought, too.

And WHY is this? It occurs specifically because your subconscious mind does what it was told! It doesn’t care about the outcome — it’s just following your commands, which you delivered via your thoughts. This is its nature — it’s the way it functions!

What a “pickle”, isn’t it? It sure is … because, in this latter example, not only are you focusing on what you DON’T want, it FEELS BAD. And YOU feel bad as a result!

So, what else could you do?


You could become VERY vigilant to your thoughts. You could start to pay very close and particular attention to what you are thinking — with the knowledge that, left unchanged, your subconscious mind will be creating those thoughts!


There is a specific reason that I want you to understand the creative POWER of your subconscious mind. That reason is to assist you to better understand why you absolutely DO NOT want to spend valuable time and mental energy in negative thinking … and why you DO want to spend valuable time and mental energy in positive thinking! There is no limit to the positive outcomes you can create when you give positive thoughts to your subconscious mind!

I invite you to use these principles over and over to direct your mind to attract your own personal success.  And now I urge you to learn more about how to use Affirmations to create successful effects in your life.  Just explore our website — as you do, you will find many more practical ideas for using Affirmations in your life!

How to Change Negative Thoughts

Releasing Fear Now!

Fear is an amazing feeling! It has significant power over our thoughts, feelings and actions. It takes on a “life of its own” and makes it appear as though we have lost the discerning power of choice in a situation. Fear can completely rule a person’s life.

So … why is it so amazing, you might be asking?

It has been said that, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” This is quite true, for fear is of our own making. Then, it spreads like wildfire!

How does fear really work? First of all, each of us creates a thought. At this juncture, it is a neutral thought. After creating this thought, we then determine that we are afraid about this thought. So, now the emotion of fear is linked to the idea/thought that we created.

The Face of Fear

To bring this into clearer focus reflect on the fact that not everyone is afraid or experiences fears about the same hings. The race-car driver who comfortably goes in excess of 200 miles per hour might be afraid of the needle used for her vaccination. The high-rise window-washer who has no problem up on the 12th floor washing windows might become panicked learning to swim.

So, once we have an idea that is linked to fear, we do an incredible amnesia-thing. We absolutely forget that the act of linking fear to that thought was our own doing. We totally “space out” this fact. Instead, we begin to react to the fear as though it were a living, breathing, awe-inspiring entity all on its own. And not just any living, breathing, awe-inspiring entity: One that stirs up overwhelming FEAR.

Recognizing that linking-fear-to-the-thought was our own creation is a powerful step to gaining a sense of mastery over what in the past may have seemed overwhelming! Having recognized this, it is time for the next step.

One definition of FEAR is the following:


Pay attention to what that is saying. This simple acronym suggests that something seems to be real … and that perception is false. Or, simply stated, we are erroneously believing something. That something that we are believing is that we need to fear.

Now, do not get me wrong. I am not advocating wanton disregard for personal safety. Of course not! It is essential that you learn to determine the Correct Evidence Appearing Dangerous, too. If you are standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon, feeling nervous … step away from the edge a couple of feet. This is only honoring the fact that danger is possible.

If you are feeling nervous walking up an open stairway, by all means grab onto the handrail. You could fall over the edge of the Grand Canyon or off the open stairs and kill or hurt yourself. People HAVE done so! This is not a invitation to be foolish.

However, if you are 15 feet from the edge of the Grand Canyon, it is time to relax and enjoy the view; not to be so nervous that you cannot look for the fear of it all. The Grand Canyon is certainly an awe-inspiring sight. Profound fear can rob you of this inspiration and pleasure.

This need not be!  To learn more about our Program to Release Fear from your life.

Release Fear
Sale Price: $39.95 Original Price: $89.97

The Power of Your Mind

Your mind is INCREDIBLY powerful! It creates for you 24-7, 365 days a year. It creates EXACTLY what you are commanding it to create.

Why? you might ask. The answer, quite simply, is that this is its nature. To put this a different way — that is the way it is programmed. That is one of its main functions in you life.

To make this easier to understand, let’s look at the way your mind operates …


Your mind has two parts — your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. Each has very specific roles that it performs for you.


Your conscious mind is the part of your mind that you are aware with most of the time. It is logical, judgmental, analytical and critical. Usually, it is your conscious mind that gets over-involved in wanting to control everything. For some people, this can arise from a lack of confidence. This lack of confidence can be about things working out well, about the orderliness of the Universe, and/or about one’s own VERY CREATIVE abilities to cope with what occurs … and to bring it to a successful completion.


Your subconscious mind is very different from your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind has memory of events that have occurred in your life. It operates as a very-obedient servant — in other words, it creates that which it is commanded to create.


So, how do you usually give commands to your subconscious mind? You do this through your thoughts. What you think becomes a command to your subconscious mind. Remember that it is your servant? It does not argue with you. It simply proceeds to create that which you have told it about a situation.

This principle is the basis of “self-fulfilling prophecy”. In other words, you create that which you have told yourself in a given situation. This is the principle of how you attract — and manifest — in your life!

I invite you to begin to notice the directions that your thoughts are creating. Since you can direct your thoughts positively, it follows that you can affect the resultant experiences, too. In this way, you allow yourself to attract success!  And now I invite you to learn more about how to use Affirmations to create successful effects in your life by browsing our website and exploring our many products.

Positive vs. Negative Messages

Holiday Stress Busters

For many people, Holiday stress is right up there with major life events such as moving house or changing jobs. The endless planning, shopping and cooking are both immensely tiring and stressful to an already overloaded system. To those folk already suffering from stress, the added stress of the Holidays can turn out to be the last straw, pushing them over the edge and into full-scale meltdown. In order to prevent this happening, you need to set up strategies well in advance of the festive season that will enable you to cope.

First and most important thing is to plan for everything while remaining flexible with your arrangements. This may sound contradictory but it really helps to have set up structures such as present buying lists, food shopping lists and a rough timetable of events while also bearing in mind that any and all of these can be adapted or changed. Keeping a flexible mindset reduces stress and anxiety and encourages you to let things flow over you rather than fight inevitable obstacles and changes to plans.

This ties up neatly with my other top Christmas stress busting tip which is to keep your expectations at a realistic level. All too often, we expect everything to be perfect at Christmas time. Why? Because the media bombards us with images telling us that is how it is meant to be. The trouble is that nothing is ever perfect and that is where problems arise. We place too much of a burden of expectation on ourselves and, when we fail to match up to those expectations, we become stressed.

Tell yourself firmly that all you can do is your best. The other key point is to understand that we can only control our own behavior and not that of other people. While you can try your utmost, those around you might not be so accommodating. Family squabbles, aggravating relatives and friends can all conspire to ruin Christmas if you let it. By adopting the right attitude, however, you can ensure that none of these situations stress you out.

The best way to do this is to remain detached from other people’s efforts to be disruptive. Again, simply let things flow over you and refuse to react. By not reacting you are showing the person concerned that their behavior does not have the desired impact upon you. Keep telling yourself that this is their problem and not yours and you will find it far easier to remain stress free.

Another great Christmas stress busting tip is to make sure you take enough time out for yourself, preferably on a daily basis. This can be something as simple as soaking in a hot tub or taking a walk or you can indulge yourself with a seasonal treat such as a massage or manicure. When it all seems overwhelming and you feel stress symptoms coming on then the only thing to do is retreat in this way. Remove yourself from the source of stress and you will be able to come back refreshed and able to enjoy all the joys of the holiday season. Which, after all, is what Christmas is all about!

New Year’s Resolutions: 5 Tips for Keeping Yours!

If you have a habit of setting resolutions at the beginning of the year and then abandoning them a few days later, now is your chance to try something different. Imagine how the course of your life could change for the better if you followed through on your resolutions until you achieved your goals!

Change Your Thinking

It’s very possible to overcome your habit of giving up on New Year’s resolutions.  To help you do this,  here are a few basic tips:

Above all else, avoid regarding your resolutions as something to aspire to and then forgetting them when they no longer seem pertinent or interesting. New Year’s resolutions can be extremely enriching and self-improving if you find a way to maintain them throughout the year.

Here are some tips for keeping your resolutions:

1. Plan out your goals. Articulating what you intend to achieve this year is a big part of setting resolutions, but planning how to achieve them is a completely different story. Write down a plan for each resolution that you want to achieve rather than simply hoping for the best.

2. Have realistic expectations. Continued motivation is the key to achieving your goals. If you set the bar too high, then you also set yourself up for failure, which can be profoundly de-motivating for you.

* Aim realistically, rather than too high. Give yourself a challenge, but not so much of a challenge that you end up setting yourself up for inevitable failure.

* If you plan on setting similar resolutions as last year, consider first and foremost why last year’s resolutions failed. If your resolutions didn’t work last time, then determine why in order to avoid a repeat performance.

3. Write down your goals. When you put your resolutions into writing, you make them real. You put your commitment down on paper. Put your goals where you can see them, in written form, so you won’t forget what you’re setting out to achieve this year.

4. Make a commitment. You must be willing to make a strong commitment to change in order for your resolutions to be successful. Believe that you can, and will, accomplish what you set out to do. If you give yourself unwavering support, then you’ll bolster that belief and achieve what you seek.

  • Choose New Year’s resolutions that you genuinely want to achieve. Make positive resolutions and focus on the positive aspects of achieving them.
  • Tell everyone you know about your resolutions. When everyone knows what you’re setting out to achieve, they can help hold you accountable.
  • Plan ahead rather than choosing your resolutions at the very last moment. The longer you spend planning and preparing for your resolution goals, the better the results will be.

5. Give your goals flexibility. Not everything is going to work out exactly the way you planned, so be flexible in the goals that you set. Avoid allowing rigid resolutions to throw you off track if something doesn’t go quite how you planned it. Try to predict what challenges you may face, and create a contingency plan for those challenging times just in case.

What to Do Next …

You can keep your New Year’s resolutions if you do a little bit of planning and preparing ahead of time. Just like any goal setting process, the key is to be realistic about your goals and the challenges you may face in trying to achieve them. The more realistic and flexible you are, the more likely you’ll be to achieve your goals.